Our Radio 4 Appeal
Posted on theWe are delighted to share that our recent BBC Radio 4 Appeal has raised over £15,000, which is being matched by a generous Trust, taking our fundraising total to £30,000.
We are extremely grateful to everyone who listened in, shared and donated to our appeal to raise money for our Arts Mentoring scheme. The support shown by generous Koestler Arts friends and Radio 4 listeners will enable us to be there for even more prison-leavers who want to rebuild their lives; helping them develop their skills, unlock education and employment opportunities and find supportive communities, to arm them against reoffending.
The impact of this appeal goes further than the incredible financial support of our donors – we are pleased to have also received lots of emails from artists across the country who are interested in joining us as volunteer mentors, and have been pleased to reconnect with past supporters who heard our appeal and were inspired to get involved again.
Heartfelt thanks go to our wonderful presenter, artist and Koestler Arts trustee Gary Mansfield, and to our former mentee and Awards judge Charlotte, who allowed us to share her story of finding solace in writing and creativity after release from prison. They were the stars of this appeal and completely instrumental in our efforts to raise awareness of the importance of second chances.
While the appeal is now closed, you can still listen back to the recording on the BBC website, and show your support for our work in other ways. Koestler Arts has no endowment and each year we need to raise over £800,000 to cover our expenditure to allow us to continue running our programmes across the UK. If you’d like to learn more about how you can have an impact on our work, please head to our supporters pages.
If you’d be interested to learn more about our Arts Mentoring scheme, or the impact it can have on the lives of people leaving prison, click here