There is a huge range of fine art being produced in criminal justice and secure settings around the UK. Engaging with fine art is often one of the first steps into education for many people in secure settings.
Many entrants to the Koestler Awards make work for their friends or families. Portraits, in particular, are given as gifts or commissioned from photographs. Others make artwork for qualifications or college portfolios, or simply for the joy of experimenting with materials and ideas.
Some work is made using materials in prison art departments, but people in secure settings can also purchase their own materials or experiment with every day or recycled materials (such as bread, soap and papier-mâché).
Each year the Koestler Awards generate one of the most eclectic and unusual collections of fine art in the UK. Koestler Awards visual art categories include painting; watercolour and gouache; drawing; pastel; mixed media; portrait; sculpture; digital art; graphic novel; mural and wall hanging; printmaking; photography; ceramics; and textile art.

First Date
The Spinney (secure mental health unit)
Elysium Healthcare Highly Commended Award for Painting

Firefly Cave
Caswell Clinic (secure mental health unit)
Dennis Evans Highly Commended Award for Painting

Unnecessary Necessity, Death of a River
HM Prison Onley
Erwin James Highly Commended Award for Painting

Little Mushroom
Atkinson Secure Unit (secure children’s home)
Fast Feedback Commended Award and Wilmot & Cane Under 25s Special Award for Ceramics

Undersea World
HM Prison Dovegate
Daisy Jellicoe Outstanding Debut Award for Perseverance in Ceramics

HM Prison & Young Offender Institution New Hall
Sean Tighe Memorial Commended Award for Drawing

HM Young Offender Institution Cookham Wood
Fast Feedback Highly Commended Award for Painting

The Woolwich Soldiers
Greenwich Youth Offending Service
Margaret Macdonald Under 25s Special Award and Fast Feedback 18 and Under Special Award for Photography

Mystic Meadows
Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly Youth Offending Service
Outstanding Debut Award and Fast Feedback Highly Commended Award for Painting

Year of the Rabbit
Austen House (secure mental health unit)
Si Pickard Under 25s Special Award and Fast Feedback Highly Commended Award for Sculpture

West Berkshire Youth Offending Team
Highly Commended Award and Fast Feedback Award for Photography

Baby Blue
Atkinson Secure Unit
Adam Under 25’s Special Award and Under 18’s Highly Commended Award for Painting

Snuffle Mat Project
HM Young Offender Institution Feltham
Bowman Smart Bronze Award for Textile Art

Poultry In Motion
Koestler Arts Mentoring Scheme
Marie-Louise von Motesiczky Platinum Award for Portrait

George Floyd
HM Young Offender Institution Wetherby
Arts Society Hull and East Riding First-Time Entrant Award for Graphic Novel

2 for the Price of One
Cheshire and Greater Manchester CRC – Cheshire West
Bronze Award for Watercolour and Gouache

Woman in Armchair 3/20
HM Prison The Verne
Clara Alman Platinum Award for Watercolour and Gouache

Window of Opportunity
HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Parc
Space Station Sixty-Five Platinum Award for Ceramics

HM Prison & Young Offenders Institution Swinfen Hall
Under 25s Special Award for Mixed Media

Colourful Past
HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Parc
Christine Wong JP’s One to Watch Gold Award for Watercolour and Gouache

The One That Got Away
HM Young Offenders Institution Polmont
First-Time Entrant Award for Printmaking

City Scape of Poland
HM Young Offenders Institution Swinfen Hall
Hope Under 25s Special Award for Mixed Media

A Moment in Time
HM Prison & Young Offenders Institution Low Newton
First-Time Entrant Award for Watercolour and Gouache

They May Have My Body But… They Will Never Have My Mind
Stirling Council Criminal Justice Social Work Service, John Crockett Highly Commended Award for Painting

Sand Dunes
River House Medium Secure Unit (secure mental health unit)
Highly Commended Award for Painting

Pop Arty Brush Stroke
HM Prison & Young Offender Institution Stoke Heath
Long Family Commended Award for Painting

Look Through My Window
HM Prison Glenochil
Patrick Holmes Platinum Award for Watercolour and Gouache

Girl, Fox and Duck
HM Young Offender Institution Cookham Wood
G & J Charitable Trust Under 18s Special Award
Explore more artforms
Take a closer look at the work of Koestler Awards entrants in the online galleries.
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